Hello Fans Are you ready for this??? I had my first Boxing Bout with a 3 times National Champion Boxer. He weighed in at 210lbs 5'11. I weighed in at 190lbs, 5'7. I have to tell you, he boasted about being a College Wrestler and 3 times National Boxing Champion. When I got to the Studio he was wearing a big Tshirt and I could not see his body, when he came out in his shorts, I was pleasantly surprised, he was muscular and defined. I immediately wanted to Wrestle him first to see whether he was everything he boasted about. By round 2 , I knew he was no match for me. By round 5, I choked, squeezed, scissored and figure foured him into Submission. It felt great putting this muscular body into the pretzel that I twisted him up in. He was a talker and got on my last nerve, so I had to bring on the heat. I bear hugged him and dropped him to his knees, and then I jumped on his back and asked him Who’s Your Daddy Now. I rode him around like a pony and called him my White Stallion, and finalized it with a sleeper and smothered him until he could not breathe. I won the match and defeated him. I gave him a 20 minute breather and then I took on his challenge of boxing. He said he was the real deal Holly Field. I said after the wrestling match, He had to show me!! We suited up, he took the first punch and then it was on. We went toe to toe and everything goes. I felt like I was boxing a midget, he was fast and he ran around the ring. He thought, he could tax me, He has another thought coming. I train cardio, just for this shit. Then I went ballistic, I gave him a punching festival over and over again. I knocked the wind out of him and then , Bamm!!! I caught a great right face punch, because he grabbed my chest, illegal. I had no choice. He buckled and I picked him up, Fireman carried him, spinned him around and dropped him to ground. This match was OVER!! You have to WATCH IT, BUY IT, YOU MUST SEE THIS ACTION. I had a great time kicking his butt. He made me decide to take on more Boxing Matches, So I am calling out to you, Whereever you are, Whoever you are. Bring IT ON. I will be training, preparing and waiting to kick your ass in the ring. AFRIKA
I'm sure it is very intersting to see you in a boxing match, because i can't estimate your boxing skills. I'm sure you have a very good punch and in a match against me you can knockout me with one punch. But if the match have more then 10 minutes, i think i have a little chance to beat you.
What's about a kickbox match? Your kicks must be very hard with these strong legs and I'm sure, one hard kick of you and the most people are going KO - me enclosed. Have you planning a kickbox match? Expecially a kickbox match where you are wearing these sey black boots?
I'm going to send this blog to the people at Absolute Vodka. After reading this latest tale, they are going to want to name a new Vodka after you. Can't wait to see "Absolute Ass Kicker" on store shelves.
Afrika, have you ever thought about seeking some sort of anger management therapy? Nobody should be that brutal and aggressive. (wink)
Afrika you are a tremendous wrestler and very beautiful and strongand smart when faced off we had full all out compeitive session I didn't know if I want a full compitive session but after you pinned me once, I ended pinning you twice in a shocking upset hopefully we can have a rematch sometime
And have more fun
Afrika i dnt u think u can beat me
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